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CafeTO Program Lifeline to More than 500 Local Restaurants in Toronto

2020年6月, the City of Toronto reached out to IBI Group to provide critical support to restaurants 和 Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) to develop the CafeTO程序. It was essential to rapidly deploy a strategy to exp和 local restaurants’ customer capacity, 根据保持社交距离的要求, 在重新开放. The City approved the strategy of curb lane roadway closures as a means of providing restaurants with additional patio space to safely serve their customers 和 exp和 their service.



当COVID-19大流行袭击多伦多时, 宣布了各种关闭, 对当地企业造成了毁灭性的影响. One of the hardest-hit industries was the food 和 beverage industry, with one third of restaurants in the city forced to shut down in the first half of 2020. By summer, Toronto began reopening certain industries, including outdoor dining for restaurants.

The City of Toronto reached out to IBI Group to provide critical support to restaurants 和 Business Improvement Areas (BIAs). It was essential to rapidly deploy a strategy to exp和 local restaurants’ customer capacity 在重新开放, 根据保持社交距离的要求. The City approved the strategy of curb lane roadway closures as a means of providing restaurants with additional patio space to safely serve their customers 和 exp和 their service. On July 1, 2020, the first curb lane patio in Toronto opened. 不到一个月, IBI Group coordinated over 350 lane closures in over 50 BIAs 和 supported over 500 restaurants in reopening. 

作为咖啡交换小组的一员, AG平台直接与50多家BIAs合作, which had consulted with local restaurants to underst和 their interest in exp和ing their patio space into the curb lane. IBI团队 placemaking专家运输工程师 was deployed to visit each BIA to underst和 contextual challenges, 和 to determine which restaurants were feasible c和idates for a curb lane patio extension. 通过这些实地考察, preliminary mapping was undertaken to confirm the locations of feasible curb lane closures, 这些项目后来得到了金融城的批准.

一旦地点和地点确定, IBI Group 运输工程师 created a set of traffic control plans to safely divert traffic around the “boxes”, which would serve as extensions of the cafés 和 restaurants onto the curb lanes. The shape of each “box” was determined by the structure 和 existing uses of the street, including its distance from intersections 和 traffic lights, 龙头, 垃圾皮卡, 巷道入口, 公共交通站点和车道, 还有街道的狭窄. 到2020年夏末, “咖啡交换计划”导致了超过9人死亡,横跨多伦多的000米的新天井空间.

On February 5, 2021, Toronto City Council approved a 报告 to authorize a reprisal of the CafeTO程序 from mid-April 2021 to mid-April 2022, 并保留了AG平台2021年的项目.

要了解更多关于 多伦多市的 CafeTO 程序,听一段采访 全球总监,场所制作+国际, 特雷弗·麦金太尔, 在CBC地铁早间 在这里,或从TVO阅读更多内容 在这里.

