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IBI Group Joins Global Community to Support Production of Personal Protective Equipment

IBI Group belongs to a global community of dedicated designers 和 technologists who are leveraging their equipment 和 unique skills to produce Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for healthcare providers in Canada, 英国, 和美国. 利用众筹资金, 激光切割, 以及3d打印技术, we are among several firms in the AEC sector devoting equipment 和 human 资源 to support the expansion of available PPE.*



IBI Group’s global design technology professionals 支持 local governments 和 initiatives in their coordinated responses to the overwhelming dem和 placed on existing supply chains. 通过利用我们的全球足迹, we’ve been able to respond quickly to numerous calls for support in North America 和 英国, 通常与公司的现有客户合作. 

在加拿大,我们加入了 菲茨罗维亚房地产公司DiamondCorpTricon资本集团CentreCourt发展 in their efforts to raise $75,000 for the production of PPE for healthcare workers. We’ve established a laser-cutting station in our mid-town Toronto headquarters, are working collaboratively with design 和 architecture firms 四边形 和 特纳弗莱舍 生产聚碳酸酯面罩, an invaluable resource to those working on the frontlines of the crisis.   

在英国, we’ve answered a nationwide call-to-action in support of frontline staff working in National Health Service (NHS) centres. 由姑息医学医生詹姆斯·考克森组织, 3 dcrowd英国 began actively recruiting individuals 和 organizations with the equipment 和 ability to 3D-print shortly after the viral outbreak, 现在正在协调超过7个国家的努力,000名志愿者. 从那时起, our studio in London has supported staff in the at-home production of PPE, 目标是批量生产塑料面板, as well as providing the requisite materials to attach 和 adjust the masks once received. 我们在警局的协助下协调运送, who have donated their services free-of-charge in an effort to meet the recorded dem和 for over 586,000个新面罩.

美国也是如此, 3D printing has been relocated from our southern California office to the remote workstations of our design technologists, who are working diligently to connect the 资源 they’re able to produce with local healthcare workers in need. In coordination with the University of Southern California, our efforts in the western U.S. 支持 州长加文·纽森号召志愿者, who can assist the state’s efforts to slow the spread of the virus by donating their time, 资源, 或技能.

When asked about the significance of a united design community in the face of a global health crisis, 我们的全球建筑总监, Mansoor Kazerouni, 说, “We are inspired by the effort of many individuals 和 companies who are doing everything they can to help. It instills a lot of confidence in the basic humanity that exists within each of us, signals the overwhelming desire to give back when the need arises.”

