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Barnsley Town Centre Announced as Second-Day Start of Tour de Yorkshire

IBI-designed Barnsley Town Centre has been announced as the race start for the second day of the Tour de Yorkshire. On May 4th, all eyes will be on the vibrant market town as the cyclists take to the streets. The flagship event will draw cycling fans from the local community and across the country to...



IBI-designed Barnsley Town Centre has been announced as the race start for the second day of the Tour de Yorkshire.

On May 4th, all eyes will be on the vibrant market town as the cyclists take to the streets. The flagship event will draw cycling fans from the local community and across the country to enjoy this high-profile sporting event.

“It is fantastic that the ongoing regeneration of Barnsley will be experienced by so many visitors,工作室总监说。, 谢默斯·列侬说. “IBI Group is proud to have such a key role in the design and delivery of The Glass Works town centre retail development and the NHS Yorkshire Blood Centre at Capitol Park. We are looking forward to enjoying the famous Barnsley hospitality with friends and colleagues from both projects.”

The Tour de Yorkshire will take place from May 3rd to 6th in heritage sites across the county. To find out more about the Better Barnsley regeneration scheme, visit: www.巴恩斯利.政府.英国/服务/ better-巴恩斯利 /

AG平台有限公司. (TSX:IBG) is a globally integrated architecture, 规划, 工程, 科技公司拥有超过2个,全球500名专业人士. 40多年了, its dedicated professionals have helped clients create liveable, 可持续发展的, 先进的城市环境. IBI Group believes that cities must be designed with intelligent systems, 可持续建筑, 高效的基础设施, 还有人情味.

Studios in the UK and Ireland include: London, 卡迪夫, 布赖顿, 洛奇代尔, Handforth, 利物浦, 格拉斯哥, 纽瓦克, 伯明翰和都柏林.

英国媒体联系人: 凯蒂·恩迪科特

