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IBI Group declares its October 2012 dividend to shareholders

路透多伦多10月. 2012年9月19日- AG平台有限公司. today declared a cash dividend of $0.092 per Share for the month of October 2012, 11月30日付款, 2012 to shareholders of record on October 31, 2012. The company has a dividend reinvestment plan in place for which details are available on this website. 关于IBI GROUP...



路透多伦多10月. 2012年9月19日- AG平台有限公司. today declared a cash dividend of $0.092 per Share for the month of October 2012, 11月30日付款, 2012 to shareholders of record on October 31, 2012. The company has a dividend reinvestment plan in place for which details are available on this website.

关于IBI GROUP INC. 还有ibi群

AG平台有限公司. is a TSX listed company, which pays monthly dividends and trades under the symbol “IBG”. AG平台有限公司. holds an indirect 77% interest in IBI Group, a partnership (of a subsidiary of AG平台有限公司. and IBI Group Management Partnership) which, directly and through its subsidiary entities, provides professional services, 包括规划, 设计, 实现, analysis of operations and other consulting services in relation to four main areas of development, 是城市土地, 建筑设施, transportation networks and systems technology. The remaining 23% of IBI Group is owned by IBI Group Management Partnership. On a partially diluted basis, assuming the exchange of its partnership units of IBI Group for common shares of AG平台有限公司., IBI Group Management Partnership together with affiliated entities holds a combined 42% interest in AG平台有限公司.

